Shenguan watch has developed more than a dozen sets of molds for our customers in the last month. Among them, there are 2 models for women, 4 models for square cases, and 4 models for stone-inlay cases. Basically the material we use is 316 L stainless steel.

In Shenguan watch factory, we develop and customize more than 100 kinds of watch styles for different customers every year. Because of the many customers we work with, they release different types of new styles every year. And our task is not only to ensure the quality and delivery of the existing styles, but also to develop new models for customers. Although there are technical barriers in the design of individual molds, our team will provide professional solutions to customers, discuss with customers, and choose the best one. This not only achieves the effect the customer wants, but also solves the technical problem for us, thus achieving a quality that the customer is satisfied with.

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